Friday, April 11, 2014

this week in personal finance we learned about GPD. We also learned about different economy's in other places. This made me realize that we have it really well off in the U.S and that our economy is way better off then a lot of other countries. We watched this video of these college students that was very enlightening but also very sad they went and spent 3 months with people who live on just a dollar a day. I honestly would never be able to do that. I am too attached to my materialistic things. That's why I think that I am excited to do this project that we got assigned though I am only researching one country I think it will be an eye opener to see how a less advanced economic place runs.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

this week in econ we learned about market structure. we first learned about perfect competition, we learned however real markets are never perfect. we learned that perfect competition has five characters those consist of, numerous buyers and sellers, standardized product , freedom to enter and exit the markets and they are independent buyers and sellers. we then about what a monopoly is. we did a project and cut out pictures from magazines to learn about the different monopolies which include, natural, government, technology, geographic. we then had a quiz on very thing that we learned. after all of this we started playing a game dealing with stocks. it is really confusing and I have no clue what  I am doing and I think that I lost some money already :/