Thursday, February 13, 2014

Gas shortage after sandy storm

the article I read was the Gas shortage continues in the areas hit by sandy. the article was written by Aaron Smith. The article states how due to the storm only 40% of the 2,944 Gas stations in New Jersey had power and where operating. The gas stations with power had long lines of people trying to get gas for their generators and many people where turned away when the station ran out of gas. police officers where called to maintain order. due to their being no gas the effects of sandy could cost the economy up to 50 billion dollars because of there was a gas shortage the price increased.This has to do with our economy class because we talked about how if the product is scarce it will cost more money to buy I agree with this because if you have less of something more people will want the product.

1 comment:

  1. An interesting read! How tragic about Sandy! It is horrible when so many people have to suffer due to a natural disaster. No one deserves it. This is such a great example of scarcity though! Gas may not be a household essential but it is definitely an essential to many workers and business people out there, especially those who must travel long distances for work. It must have been so frustrating for those who had to wait in huge lines just for a gallon of gas. Excellent article choice! Keep up the good work!
