Wednesday, May 14, 2014

this week in economic class we covered simple interest and compound interest. we had to learn the formulas to find the two. we were then we where tested on the two. I understand how to find the simple compound but it was hard to comprehend how to find compound interest. we also learned that compound interest is normally better to go with. We also had to pay for two bills  the electric one and chair bill. we also got bigger items to buy , I want to save to buy the advantage on the final I have two hundred twenty dollars but if we have to keep paying bills idk if I will be able to save up for it.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

in econ class we had jumped into learning about the personal finance portion of the class. we started learning about budgets. we made a family and where all given amount of money and then had to budget with our wants and expenses. we then where given obsolesces like our highest paying family member losing their job or having a baby in the family to see if this changed our budget. because our family wasn't really buying a lot of our wants we had a lot of money left over and our budget didnt really change. I think this activity helped me realize we need to prioritize the things we want from the things we need so that we dont go into debt.