Thursday, March 20, 2014

Christina Naab
i abide by honor code 

this week in Weserville we learned about supply and how it work. We learned about the different effects that effect supply such as the government, import goods ,labor , technology, producer expectations, and number of producers. we learned how to graph the supply and find total coast, marginal coast , total revenue, marginal revenue and profit we worked on a lot of graphs and I feel like that really helped me get a better understanding on the concept. I think and hope i did really well on the quiz. the last update on Weserville was there was a flood (oh no) a lot of the businesses and homes were effected. we are waiting for further results on what happened. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Christina Naab 
Personal Finance 
3-13 -2014 
I abide by honor code 

The article that I read about is about the Super Bowl pricing. it talks about how the pricing for tickets elastic. The article talks about how if they sell their tickets at to low of a price. they will be losing money instead of gaining money. However that is part of their plan they do this so they have maximum attendance. and they focus on the revenue of the concessions,parking lot and  merchandise. I think that this is a good idea because if you have more people there at the super bowl  you will have more people who will spend money one the less expensive things this will include when they charge for parking, when people buy shirts and foam fingers and at concessions.  
Christina Naab
Personal finance

In personal finance we were paired up in group. Assigned a project to make advertisements for  the different things that Weservill. so that they would effect the demand in Weservill, we had to incorporate the factors that effect demand. My group decide to touch base on the factor of income and market size we also talked about substitute products. We presented our advertisements to town council. They proceeded to vote on who's advertisement they would use to represent Weserville. The town council picked different groups for each category. Each group was rewarded different prizes, one group earned bathroom passes one earned 5points on their test and the last group earned Weserville cash I enjoyed working on the project. After the projects we learned about inelastic an elastic we had to work on an practice worksheet to help us with our test. We learned how to do a demand curve.